Ready to Go!
Implementation Overview
Expect more than just a blank system in a box…
You’ve been through the website, spoken with a sales engineer, and want your very own Spydur! … Now you’re looking for some more information on what you can expect next!
- Information Gathering
Depending on what you’re ordering, here is the common information needed:
- What IP Addresses to use?
Gateway/Router, DNS Server, PoE Switch, Spydur, etc.
– e.g.) 192.168.0.x /
Who usually knows: Network Administrator or Network Service Provider- Full Extension Directory
Names and Extension Numbers for all telephones
– Sorted numerically please
Who usually knows: Receptionist or Operator- How do you want your calls answered/processed?
Basic Setup – Audiotext, Menuing, Queues/ACD, etc.
– So it works the way you want it to, out of box!
Who usually knows: Office Manager - System Building
This is when your actual hardware is brought together and fully programmed. The time quoted is always 30 days, but actual time will vary and depends on a number of factors: complexity, deadlines, size, special orders, etc. We are a stocking company and can ship a fully programmed system in a day or two, but turnaround time is generally (on average) around 2.5 weeks. All systems are built on a priority basis (e.g. those in a downed condition will take priority). We will always work with you to best fulfill your needs.
- Implementation
- Installation
This amounts to opening boxes, placing phones, and connecting devices. Installation may be completed all at once, or in stages (e.g. first upgrading your network infrastructure with PoE switches). Depending on your needs/desires, this may be: an included onsite installation, done by your network service provider, or done by your own in-house personnel.
- Training
Once your new Spydur is plugged in and tested working, administrators/management is extensively trained one-on-one with a trainer, on your own system! The amount of time will vary in length based on the number/depth of questions asked during training. Training typically lasts between three to six hours, and may be segmented across several days if needed.
- Customization
Once you are more intimately knowledgeable of how the Spydur works and what it’s capable of… we go through its programming a second time! We further tailor your system so it works exactly how you want it to. We will happily do this programming for you, or you can do it yourself and we’ll double-check you!
Let’s get this party started!
What are you waiting for? Contact Us and let’s get things started! Fill out the request form below, call us toll-free at (800) 896-8187, send us an email, send us a carrier pigeon… whatever it takes, we want to hear from you!