Exchange Integration

The SpydurPBX will fully integrate with Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010/2013/2016 Unified Messaging within Active Directory! Further the caller-experience with Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), and enhance the user-experience with Outlook Voice Access (OVA). This provides outside callers the ability to speak the name of the person or department they wish to speak with, and additionally gives users the ability to listen to their voicemail, email, and calendar over the telephone!

Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging Integration
    Features at a glance
  • Fully utilize ‘Automatic Speech Recognition’ (ASR) in all of your Automated Attendants
  • Selectively enable Exchange Integration on a per-extension basis (allows you to continue using SpydurPBX’s native voicemail where desired)
  • Includes Automatic Failover should any issues arise with your Microsoft Exchange server (the SpydurPBX will continue to process calls using its own Automated Attendant)
  • Outlook Voice Access (OVA) allows users to manage their calendar, email, and voicemail over the telephone (using ‘Automatic Speech Recognition’ and Text-to-Speech)!
  • Enables user control of voicemail through Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Web Access (OWA)