Back in 1986, driving down I-75 as what seemed to be the only car on the road for miles, I could only imagine I would still be making the same drive thirty-five years later! Spydur Technologies began its life in Voice Processing as Voice Mail Inc (VMI), and started out as the #1 support organization for the Genesis Cindi. This was in the early days of proprietary $100k+ Voice Mail machines, as we quickly transitioned and saw the benefit of open architecture hardware. We soon became the #1 support organization for the wildly popular open architecture Avaya Octel, and grew to be authorized distribution for over twenty different manufacturers! It was only a couple short years of exploding growth before we expanded from our original office building to our new office building at ten times the size, just a mile down the road, and where our operations remain still to this day.Later years would include “the Great Y-2000 Scare” and a variety of discussion panels, as the world’s operating systems went to denoting the year with four-digits. We seemed to work twenty-four hours a day trying to meet the exploding demand of the years surrounding Y2k. Shortly after, one of our curious people started a little side project in the office we internally called the VMI Asterisk. It was revolutionary in that it used open architecture hardware, using collaboratively developed open source software, and supported open standards for communications that were only just ratified by the ITU. As we soon realized all the very cool, slick, and extraordinarily helpful things we could now do, we quickly devoted more attention and resources to its development.The SpydurPBX was born in 2005 with our new d.b.a. (doing business as) in hand, Spydur Technologies. The Spydur has been a natural fit in maintaining a number of our core business principles: keep it simple (KISS), no nickle and diming, plug ‘n play, and no limits! While development still remains predominantly on the high end, we soon introduced a smaller SpydurByte, and then a smaller still SpydurCore. It has been a most remarkable platform from the very beginning, and has only grown in its reach and capabilities.
I would like to offer a special thanks to our ever-increasing Spydur Impact Business Partners; we greatly value our continued and growing relationships with you, and are very grateful for both of our continued successes! Finally to our team and coworkers that has been the foundation of Spydur Technologies, you have my sincerest appreciation for your service over the years; and we look forward to growing with you well into the future!
Gary & Diane Harbeck Jason & LaDonna Harbeck Lindsay Adeimy Debby Bellville Cheri Ham Brett Karas Midiala Rodriguez Lisett Gonzales Diana Echezabal Guillermo Echezabal Alexander Dounouk Noel Buranday
Still the world’s leading supplier of voice, store, and forward technology!
The SpydurPBX website is dedicated solely to ‘all that is’ the SpydurPBX, and the incredible things it can do for you! So much of what we do is spending time and teaching you about the wide range of available options, in the hope that you can make better and more informed decisions with regard to your own communications needs. Please visit Why Us? to see that we really do want you to be happy with the SpydurPBX (not just another ‘black box’). Therefore, our goal is to have be that single place for you to go and learn more, and determine what makes the most sense for you!
Spydur Technologies is ‘who we are’, and details everything we do to help you build a comprehensive solution to service your specific needs. The truth is that very few systems operate in complete isolation, and our skill-set extends to include: SIP Trunking & Hosted Voice, Network Security, Virtualization, and Web Design. We have here to introduce us and what we can do for you. What you can imagine, we can create! Please visit VoIP / Telecom and Managed IT to learn more, and let us build an integrated system that works to achieve the results you are looking for.
Voice Mail, Inc (VMI) is the legal name for Spydur Technologies (DBA), and continues to be the greatest source for voice, store, and forward technology… the original term for legacy voice processing. went live way back in 1997 (during the booming age of Mosaic Netscape, the first graphical web browser), and is one of the very oldest websites on the Internet today! The website has grown enormously in content over the years, and currently marks its 6th generation of revamping (which was most recently launched this past January 2020). Please visit 30 Years of History for an account of our early beginnings, and visit Who We Are (Our History) to see how we continue to grow to meet your needs for the future!
We at Spydur Technologies want to make ourselves even more accessible to you with a wider Social Media presence. Our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts will help us better connect, serve, and communicate with you and our community. I would like to take this opportunity to describe what you can expect from our Social Media presence.
Our SpydurBlog will continue to be used to explain specific subjects with great detail. Topics might include new features coming to the Spydur, or fresh Sales Perspectives to help you be more effective with your own customers. The information we provide is intended to enlighten and give you a deeper understanding on the given topic.
Twitter is one of our new avenues on Social Media. Our tweets will primarily be quick short notifications and updates (given that we only have 140 characters). These announcements may ‘shout out’ new enhancements to the Spydur, or simply point you to valuable information or news in the industry.
LinkedIn is another new Social Media account in our new drive. Its purpose is to inform you on specific news and events with Spydur Technologies itself. This will also help us connect with you and other companies in our industry to discover how we might be able to help you more!
Facebook is our third new Social Media account where we aim to give you a wide range of posts, announcements, and links to various pictures and product media along with short descriptions. We hope to engage with you in all areas, from new product introductions to upcoming exhibitions and conventions.
The RSS News feed will continue to guide you towards our Product and Industry News articles. The purpose is to keep you up to date with new material and happenings with Spydur itself, and provides a quick and easy solution that you can subscribe to find out about all the new things coming your way!
Our new wider Social Media Presence aims to serve you in more ways than ever before. We are working diligently through these new avenues to give you the level of access that we mutually desire. You and I are real people, and you mean a lot to us. We look forward to building this beneficial partnership with you, together over the long term. So Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, and Connect with us on LinkedIn; and be a part of something new!